SenioRx can help with the high cost of prescription drugs. The program serves people age 55 or older, and any person, regardless of age, who has applied for Social Security Disability. Clients are enrolled in patient assistance programs that can supply free, brand-name medications. We also link many clients to low-cost, non-profit, mail order companies for generic medications.

SenioRx strives to reduce economic stress, promote better health and improve the quality of life by providing ways to reduce the expense of life sustaining medications.

Eligibility for assistance:

  • Are at least 55 years of age or have applied for Social Security Disability, regardless of age
  • Have no or inadequate prescription drug coverage
  • Have a chronic medical condition
  • Are a legal resident of the state of Alabama
  • Are in the “gap” or “donut hole” with Medicare Part D, have high co-pays or have formulary problems

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