Become a Medicaid Waiver Service Provider Training –  June 18


The Medicaid Waiver Programs operated by the Area Agency on Aging are funded by the Alabama Medicaid Agency and are provided at no cost to clients meeting financial and medical eligibility requirements. Services can be provided through traditional service providers, or through self-direction under the Personal Choices option.

To be eligible, applicants must be receiving full Medicaid benefits or may become eligible through Medicaid deeming. Individuals may be deemed eligible for Medicaid if their incomes do not exceed 300% of the federal poverty level and they have limited assets. If you do not have full Medicaid benefits, additional financial information and a Medicaid application will be required. In addition, applicants must demonstrate a degree of disability and frailty that might otherwise require long-term care placement. This determination must be made by a physician. For more detailed information about the following programs, visit

Medicaid Waiver for the Elderly and Disabled (E&D Waiver)
The Elderly and Disabled Waiver program provides services to the elderly and individuals with disabilities at risk for nursing facility placement. Case managers work with clients to develop a person-centered plan of care based on the client’s medical needs. Depending on their plan of care, individuals in this program may receive personal care, homemaker, respite, adult day health, companion services, and/or home-delivered frozen meals.

Personal Choices Program
Personal Choices provides self-directed home and community-based services. It is designed to offer older adults and individuals with disabilities more choices and flexibility in the type of care they receive. Clients enrolled in the program can use their allotted budgets to get the personal care they need. They can also save for other items that sustain or improve their health.

Alabama Community Transition (ACT)
The ACT waiver provides services to individuals with disabilities or long-term illnesses who live in a nursing facility and wish to transition to a home or community setting. ADSS works with Medicaid Transition Coordinators and ACT Case Managers to facilitate the transition of clients from the nursing home back into the community. A variety of services is available to ensure a successful transition into the community and to provide ongoing care in the community based on the client’s medical needs. Most transitions occur within 180 days of the application date.

Technology Assisted Waiver
The Alabama Technology Assisted (TA) Waiver is designed for individuals (over 21) who have had a tracheostomy or who are ventilator dependent and require skilled nursing services. The TA Waiver will allow Medicaid-approved participants’ continuation of Private Duty Nursing services in an effort to allow the participant to remain at home.

For more information, contact our Aging and Disability Resource Center.