Matter of Balance – Foley
Foley Senior Center 304 E Rose Ave, FoleyA Matter of Balance is a series of 8, 2-hoursessions designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase the activity levels of older adults who have concerns about falls.
South Alabama Regional Planning Commission
A Matter of Balance is a series of 8, 2-hoursessions designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase the activity levels of older adults who have concerns about falls.
Senior Expos are back by popular demand and are free to attend and open to the public. Get ready to gather a group of friends, family, and church and community groups to attend. Our Expos are free to attend and feature information on aging services, health and wellness programs, free medical screenings and vaccinations, entertainment,…
Listen to and talk about issues you are facing among a group of your peers. Learn about community resources. Lunch is provided.
Listen to and talk about issues you are facing among a group of your peers Learn about community resources. Lunch provided.
Listen to and talk about issues you are facing among a group of your peers. Learn about community resources. Lunch Provided
PLEASE JOIN US TO CELEBRATE OUR RSVP VOLUNTEERS AND THE AMAZING WORK THEY DO! Special Speaker Representative Donna Ciivens - Entertainment by Shining Talent
Enhance your skills to care for your loved one. Learn about available resources for caregivers, including legal, financial and mental health support. Find support within a group of your peers Education and training provided by caregiving professionals. Lunch provided.
These seminars are held the first Tuesday of each month (No seminar in October). If you are new to Medicare, or turning 65 soon, the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)has answers to all of your questions on Medicare basics, plan choices, and cost saving information. SHIP is funded by your tax dollars, provides unbiased…
If you are new to Medicare, or turning 65 soon, the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) has answers to all of your questions on Medicare basics, plan choices, and cost saving information. SHIP is funded by your tax dollars, provides unbiased information and is not affiliated with any insurance company.
FREE MEDICARE COUNSELING AT AREA SENIOR CENTERS Meet with a trained State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)counselor to review available options and receive FREE unbiased help for plan comparisons and cost savings.
Medicare Open Enrollment is the time to re-evaluate your plan. Medicare plans can change every year, and we provide free, unbiased counseling to ensure prescription durug and other cost savings are being maximized. State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP): 251-706-4680 or
Older Relatives as Caregivers and Grandparents raising children can meet with a group of their peers and learn about community resources and financial assistance available.